Our first "in person" Breakfast for 2021, in Ladysmith, July 07
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 PTN Lunch at the Oyster Bay Cafe in the Ladysmith harbour, July 14, 2021
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 pride every day small
 PTN Lunch at the MGM restaurant in Nanaimo, July 21, 2021
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 pride every day small

 PTN Lunch at the Oyster Bay Cafe in the Ladysmith Harbour, July 28, 2021

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 pride every day small
 PTN Lunch at the QF store, South Nanaimo, Aug 04, 2021
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 pride every day small
 PTN Lunch at the Oyster Bay Cafe in Ladysmith Harbour, Wed. Aug. 11, 2021
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 pride every day small
 PTN Lunch invitation from Robert B./guest- Dr. Gutman, Aug. 25, 2021, Oyster Bay Cafe
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 pride every day small
PTN lunch at the MGM rest. in Nanaimo, Wed. Sept. 01, 2021 
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 pride every day small
 PTN Lunch at the QF Cafe on Bruce Ave. Nanaimo, Wed. Sept 08, 2021
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 PTN Thanksgiving Lunch at the MGM Restaurant in Nanaimo, Sat. Oct 09, 2021. 17 people
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 thanksgiving turkey
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 PTN Lunch at the MGM Restaurant in Nanaimo, Wed.. Oct 20, 2021. 10 people

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pride every day small
 PTN Breakfast at the Beantime cafê in Ladysmith, Fri. Oct 29, 2021 - 08:45
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 pride every day small
 PTN lunch at Appètit Food For Thought in Ladysmith, Wed. Nov. 03, 2021
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 pride every day small
 PTN Lunch at the QF Cafè, Nanaimo South, Wed. Nov. 17, 2021
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 pride every day small
 PTN Lunch at the Appetit Food For Thought Cafê - Dec. 15, 2021
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 pride every day small
 PTN lunch @ QF South Nanaimo, Dec. 22, 2021
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 PTN gay christmas yuletide